"You will always work directly with me, Donna Victoria, founder of Victoria Research & Consulting."

I’ve been a poll­ster for more than twenty years and started my own busi­ness around these con­cepts: acces­si­bil­ity, com­mit­ment, integrity and accuracy.

I write ques­tion­naires, over­see the analy­sis, and write reports myself. I have inten­tion­ally gone for a bou­tique approach to this busi­ness; VRChas a sta­ble list of com­mit­ted clients who value the time and atten­tion I give to their research needs; and we rou­tinely turn away work in the busy sea­son rather than com­pro­mise our work for exist­ing clients. There are other mod­els and approaches to this busi­ness, but I don’t want to run an office where junior ana­lysts hand me a report thirty min­utes before I get on the phone to present the results. The most sat­is­fy­ing cam­paigns that I work on are the ones that build col­lab­o­ra­tive, last­ing relationships.

I have a long his­tory in pro­vid­ing strate­gic advice to Demo­c­ra­tic elected offi­cials and chal­lengers at all lev­els of the elec­toral process. My polit­i­cal polling expe­ri­ence runs from county level offices to national cam­paigns. My clients have ranged from non-profit orga­ni­za­tions to inter­na­tional labor unions, from Inter­net star­tups to For­tune 500 companies.

I work hard to stay on the cut­ting edge of new tech­nol­ogy as it impacts polling. More than 10 years ago I started con­duct­ing sur­vey research on the Web. As a Vice Pres­i­dent for Socratic Tech­nolo­gies, I designed and con­ducted online sur­veys, Web usabil­ity stud­ies, cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion mod­els, and new prod­uct devel­op­ment stud­ies. Today, the chal­lenge is to stay cur­rent with evolv­ing phone usage and tech­nol­ogy; I started con­duct­ing cell phone inter­view­ing in 2006 and incor­po­rate it wher­ever it is feasible.

In 2012, I pur­chased Standage Mar­ket Research LLC., a well –respected phone bank spe­cial­iz­ing in polit­i­cal and pub­lic pol­icy sur­veys.  This enables VRC to have com­plete qual­ity con­trol over its sur­veys from begin­ning to end.